Saturday, December 09, 2006

Getting started

I'm not sure I'll ever get enough time to do what I want to do here but I'm going to give it a try.
Holy Spirit leading. As I read God's Word and books about His Word, He continually gives me new illuminations and insights. I have been led to share these with others as has my dear friends on the blogspots listed on the left of the page.

As I was reading Rom.8:28 yesterday, it struck me how often this verse is quoted to make us think that God is going to fix all our problems.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for "good" to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
The connotation of the word "good" is that which is comfortable, easy, pleasing and/or what I think is good for me in the physical and soulical realm. The connotation in the author's (God) mind is that which is for our "good" spiritually - not physically or soulically.
Although God is certainly interested and cares about our physical and soulical life, His main concern has to do with His ultimate intention and that is to have children who can have a spiritual relationship with Him (after all, He is Spirit).
This is why it says "to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (not our purpose). Therefore He causes all things to work together for "good" spiritually for those He has a spiritual relationship with. That does not always bode well for our physical and/or soulical life.
If you love Him and are called according to His purpose enjoy the "good".


In Christ Alone said...

Well, well, well...So glad you decided to join us here in the blogosphere. I was thinking on this verse the other day...pondering how can this be the "good" that God is causing... and are isn't necessarily comfortable thinking on "good" is really sometimes so different than what God's is...cuz He IS God and He can also see the other side of time...and yep, I cannot. His purpose is what we are called to and I know this...not saying I don't sometimes have a problem with this.. getting past my physical and soulical life can cause me problems on different days in different ways...but I DO know...and that is what allows me to accept the "good", in whatever form it comes in.
Great first blog....and as the Holy Spirit leads is always a good way to write, eh?
This was just what the Great Physician ordered for me today. :)
Because of Him,

Unknown said...

I reiterate what my good friends have said, Well, well, well. So this is the only way this small body of believers can converse. I suppose it is better than nothing but not as good as in person. Anyways, He truly is working out all things for good (that is all things that are according to His purposes). Hope to see all soon!